Seven-year cycles
The first square 4x7
Did you know ! Human life develops seven-year cycles. Each cycle ends with the crisis,
allowing to move to the next higher level.
From 0 to 7: A strong relationship with his mother. Perception of the horizontal. Becoming
the senses. The main sensations: the smell of mother's milk mother's mother's voice, warm mother
kissing his mother. Basically, the period ends in a protective cocoon of crack
maternal love and respect to the discovery of disturbing the rest of the world.
From 7 to 14: a strong relationship with his father. Perception of the upright. Becoming
the individual. The father becomes the new preferred partner in the development of the world for
outside the family cocoon. Father of family extends a protective cocoon. The father is
a reference point. Mother love, father to admire.
From 14 to 21: rebellion against society. Perceptions matter. The formation of the intellect. It
adolescent crisis. A desire to change the world and destroy the existing
the structure. Teenager attacked by the family cocoon, then - the society as a whole. Teen
attracts more "rebellious", aggressive music, romantic things, he
there is the desire for independence, the desire to run away to join the groups of young people,
places itself outside of society, he admires the anarchist values ??and systematically
denies the value of the surrounding society. The period ends with the release of
family cocoon.
From 21 to 28: entry into society. Stabilization after the rebellion. After a vain attempt
destroy society - Integration with him on the basis of the desire to work more efficiently than
previous generations. The search for a more interesting occupation than a profession of parents.
A search for more interesting than the parents, place of residence. An attempt to create more
the happy couple than a couple of parents. The choice of partner (partner), the creation of
hearth. Build your own cocoon. Period normally ends the wedding.
Now man has fulfilled its mission and established its first protective cocoon.
This completes the first square of 4x7 years.
The second square 4x7
After completing the first square of the creation of their own cocoon, a man begins to
the second series of seven-year cycles.
28-35: Consolidation of the hearth. After the wedding, apartment, car children come.
The property is stored inside the cocoon. But if the first four cycles were not very
successfully, the focus will not be secure. If a woman's relationship with her mother is not so developed,
as should have been, that would annoy daughter. If a man had trouble with his father,
that will interfere and influence the life of a young couple. If a revolt against society, not
place, work conflicts can occur. At thirty-five years without a solid cocoon
base often falls apart. Divorces occur, layoffs, depression, psychosomatic
the disease. In this case, the first cocoon and throw ...
35-42: We start from scratch. The crisis passed, the following is a reconstruction of the cocoon,
human experience is enriched with errors received when the first. Being revised
relationship with the mother and femininity, with his father and masculinity. This is the time
divorced men are discovering the lovers, and divorced women -
the lovers. They are trying to understand what they need is not a marriage, but on the opposite
the floor.
Relationship with society is also being revised. Now choose a profession not out
For security reason, but an interesting and leave a lot of free time.
After the collapse of the cocoon first person often wants to build as soon as possible
the next one. The new marriage, new job, new life. If a man has got rid of hindering
his circumstances, he is quite capable of creating an improved cocoon. If you do not understand the past
errors, he would build himself the same jail and face the same problems. This is called
go around the circle. Then the cycle will turn into a repetition of previous mistakes.
42-49 victory over society. By creating a successful cocoon, a person can enjoy
the joys of love, family life, work and prosperity of his personality. This leads to victory
two possible options:
Or a person craves ever greater tangible expression evidence of its success:
more money, more comfort, more children, more mistresses or lovers, more
power - and infinitely increases and enriches its successful new cocoon. Either he
rushes into a new area of ??conquest - the spiritual. Today begins the construction of
the individual. Logically, this period must be completed identity crisis
existential question. Why am I here, why I live, that I must do in order
to give his life other than the achievement of material comfort, the sense?
49-56: a spiritual revolution. If a person has managed to create a cocoon and realized in the family and
at work, he begins to crave wisdom. And the next journey - a spiritual
a revolution.
Spiritual search, if it is fair and avoids the pitfalls and groups willing to ideas
never ends. It takes all of the remaining life.
This completes the second square 4x7 years.
N. Q. 1: Evolution is more of a spiral. Every seven years, we go up one more
division, going through the same stages: the relationship with mother, relationship with his father, a revolt against
society, the creation of his family.
N. V. 2: Sometimes, some people deliberately break with family or at work for
In order to start the cycle again. So they push back the time when
a transition to a phase of spirituality, or avoid it because they fear to remain
face to face with himself
Did you know ! Human life develops seven-year cycles. Each cycle ends with the crisis,
allowing to move to the next higher level.
From 0 to 7: A strong relationship with his mother. Perception of the horizontal. Becoming
the senses. The main sensations: the smell of mother's milk mother's mother's voice, warm mother
kissing his mother. Basically, the period ends in a protective cocoon of crack
maternal love and respect to the discovery of disturbing the rest of the world.
From 7 to 14: a strong relationship with his father. Perception of the upright. Becoming
the individual. The father becomes the new preferred partner in the development of the world for
outside the family cocoon. Father of family extends a protective cocoon. The father is
a reference point. Mother love, father to admire.
From 14 to 21: rebellion against society. Perceptions matter. The formation of the intellect. It
adolescent crisis. A desire to change the world and destroy the existing
the structure. Teenager attacked by the family cocoon, then - the society as a whole. Teen
attracts more "rebellious", aggressive music, romantic things, he
there is the desire for independence, the desire to run away to join the groups of young people,
places itself outside of society, he admires the anarchist values ??and systematically
denies the value of the surrounding society. The period ends with the release of
family cocoon.
From 21 to 28: entry into society. Stabilization after the rebellion. After a vain attempt
destroy society - Integration with him on the basis of the desire to work more efficiently than
previous generations. The search for a more interesting occupation than a profession of parents.
A search for more interesting than the parents, place of residence. An attempt to create more
the happy couple than a couple of parents. The choice of partner (partner), the creation of
hearth. Build your own cocoon. Period normally ends the wedding.
Now man has fulfilled its mission and established its first protective cocoon.
This completes the first square of 4x7 years.
The second square 4x7
After completing the first square of the creation of their own cocoon, a man begins to
the second series of seven-year cycles.
28-35: Consolidation of the hearth. After the wedding, apartment, car children come.
The property is stored inside the cocoon. But if the first four cycles were not very
successfully, the focus will not be secure. If a woman's relationship with her mother is not so developed,
as should have been, that would annoy daughter. If a man had trouble with his father,
that will interfere and influence the life of a young couple. If a revolt against society, not
place, work conflicts can occur. At thirty-five years without a solid cocoon
base often falls apart. Divorces occur, layoffs, depression, psychosomatic
the disease. In this case, the first cocoon and throw ...
35-42: We start from scratch. The crisis passed, the following is a reconstruction of the cocoon,
human experience is enriched with errors received when the first. Being revised
relationship with the mother and femininity, with his father and masculinity. This is the time
divorced men are discovering the lovers, and divorced women -
the lovers. They are trying to understand what they need is not a marriage, but on the opposite
the floor.
Relationship with society is also being revised. Now choose a profession not out
For security reason, but an interesting and leave a lot of free time.
After the collapse of the cocoon first person often wants to build as soon as possible
the next one. The new marriage, new job, new life. If a man has got rid of hindering
his circumstances, he is quite capable of creating an improved cocoon. If you do not understand the past
errors, he would build himself the same jail and face the same problems. This is called
go around the circle. Then the cycle will turn into a repetition of previous mistakes.
42-49 victory over society. By creating a successful cocoon, a person can enjoy
the joys of love, family life, work and prosperity of his personality. This leads to victory
two possible options:
Or a person craves ever greater tangible expression evidence of its success:
more money, more comfort, more children, more mistresses or lovers, more
power - and infinitely increases and enriches its successful new cocoon. Either he
rushes into a new area of ??conquest - the spiritual. Today begins the construction of
the individual. Logically, this period must be completed identity crisis
existential question. Why am I here, why I live, that I must do in order
to give his life other than the achievement of material comfort, the sense?
49-56: a spiritual revolution. If a person has managed to create a cocoon and realized in the family and
at work, he begins to crave wisdom. And the next journey - a spiritual
a revolution.
Spiritual search, if it is fair and avoids the pitfalls and groups willing to ideas
never ends. It takes all of the remaining life.
This completes the second square 4x7 years.
N. Q. 1: Evolution is more of a spiral. Every seven years, we go up one more
division, going through the same stages: the relationship with mother, relationship with his father, a revolt against
society, the creation of his family.
N. V. 2: Sometimes, some people deliberately break with family or at work for
In order to start the cycle again. So they push back the time when
a transition to a phase of spirituality, or avoid it because they fear to remain
face to face with himself
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